Thursday, February 14, 2008

Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare

This play is actually pretty funny until Mercutio gets killed (spoilers). Then it devolves into whining and dying. So I guess it's kind of enjoyable but then falls apart 3 or 4 acts in. Still, Shakespeare.



Nick said...


I will always prefer Titus Andronicus.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to that Nick--though I do blame my Titus bias on Taymor's film adaptation.


DCP said...

Yeah, the Titus movie is way better than the Titus play. I mean, the text is fairly close, but the visuals are simply amazing.

John said...

You guys are ignorant bastards. After Antony and Cleopatra, R&J is Shakespeare's finest love story, and isin his top 5 plays. Titus is a piece of shit with a cool movie.

The best thing is, you'll never read this, because I'm posting the comment like a year after the post. MWA HA HA HA HA !

Bryan said...

R&J is a comedy. Where you're supposed to laugh at how incredibly stupid those two children are.

That having been said, Mercutio was pretty awesome.

John said...

Jonathan Bate suggests that Shakespeare killed Mercutio off halfway through the play because he was stealing the spotlight from the other characters. Apparently the biggest difference between Shakespeare and Marlowe was that Shakespeare knew how to rein in his stars, whereas Marlowe's Faustus or Tamburlain end up being the only fully realized characers in their respective plays. Also, Marlowe got stabbed in the face and Shakespeare didn't.

DCP said...

Ahh, the olden days, when R3 was just one person and all that one person ever talked about was cereal.