Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Month of Ill-Fated Consumer Products #3: The Wine Rack

The Wine Rack is a sports bra that you can fill with wine. While it's a clever idea, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the target market maxed out the credit card long ago and now diverts most of its income to trailer payments and crystal meth. Also, while I'm admittedly no expert in such matters, I suspect the presentation might be a little, uh, sexist.


(Image from www.baronbob.com.)


Viking Andrew said...

sports bra with wine in it. Pretty much genius.

Belabras said...

Wouldn't this result in funky body temp wine in about 10 min?

I.J. said...

No biggie as long as it's red. Or 151.

Internet Robyn said...

would you run the hose out your sleeve or up and out of the neck. My guess is it doesn't serve as an undergarment as much as the main event.

laurie said...

That is the dumbest thing I've ever seen outside a video of people lined up to meet Sarah Palin. Also, that model looks like a trannie. Finally, I think we all know the actual target audience for this is frat boys dressing as women for Halloween.

I.J. said...

What's wrong with trannies?

laurie said...

Nothin wrong with trannies.