Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Month of Ill-Fated Consumer Products #6: Frosted Frog

Thanks to Frosted Frog's cool label, many a Nova Scotia junior high student choked down a six pack of it while playing Diablo and listening to a burned CD full of Limp Bizkit songs illegally downloaded off Napster. Unfortunately for the Maritime Beer Company, even 13-year-old consumers quickly figured out that it was the worst beer in the universe--quite a feat at a time when the entire Canadian beer market consisted of Labatt's products competing with other Labatt's products and Alexander Keith's was considered a real IPA.

RATING: Elian Gonzalez%

(Image from flickr.)


DCP said...

I forgot about Elian Gonzalez. I wonder how he enjoyed his life trapped back in his pinko home of Nova Scotia, anyway.

Internet John said...

I figured I'd put in an American culture reference from the era to make it less esoteric. But feel free to substitute "Budweiser" for "Labatt's"--they're both garbage, and I think they're owned by the same multinational.

Internet Robyn said...

I completely forgot about Napster. It and snood got me through first year!