Monday, July 6, 2009

Funny Games (2008)

I saw the preview for this film in the theaters and thought it was supposed to be a dark comedy. So I finally get around to watching it, and it is pretty funny at times. But apparently a lot of critics were horrified by the film, and for some ridiculous reason compared it to the likes of Eli Roth's Hostel. It's not as graphic, and most of the violence occurs off-screen (a completely effective method in this film for several reasons). There are some incredibly great scenes focusing more on tension and emotion, or lack thereof, in the film, and it does a fantastic job of making a great point about violence in Hollywood, or whatever. Go see this movie because I told you it's worth it, and critics are fucking stupid too.



John said...

"critics are fucking stupid too."

R3 t shirt

laurie said...

@Chris: Good review. I remember wanting to see this when the previews were showing and then forgetting all about it. Thanks for the reminder.


Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

hey yall, dont do home invasions cause jail suxxx its like canada but w/o beer

laurie said...

Btw, I keep thinking about this review and now I'm obsessed with seeing this movie. Hopefully this weekend...

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

the movies p. cool esp. the parts where the people die or the parts in between when the ppl die