Thursday, October 1, 2009


The human brain often takes information processing shortcuts by inferring generic categories from memories of past experiences and using them to predict future events. You have to be careful, though, because it can be wrong, especially when you're too tired and angry to draw distinctions that you know you should. Like right now, I'm tempted to say, "America sucks--everyone's a redneck, a crybaby or a total asstard, everyone shouts constantly and never listens to what anyone else is saying, no one knows how to drive but everyone screams obscenities out the window while they barrel down the street at 60 mph, there's never any oranges at the grocery store, no one will tell you where the fucking mailroom is, and look, they must be dumb because all their money's the same colour." If I didn't already know that this is a grossly false but emotionally satisfying superstition about the mystifying habits of people who are easier to hate than understand, I'd probably be a bigot, but I think I'm a pretty good guy.


(Image from


IR said...

I was pretty upset today, too. I'm feeling much better now. Phew!

Internet John said...

Me too now that the power's back on. I'm sure I'll be mad again when I have my daily "almost killed by a car" moment, though.

Internet Robyn said...

Imagine the damage that could be done trying to tip a pizza delivery guy drunk with one-coloured money. Baby, we'd be broke.

I.J. said...

If you pay cash not credit or debit around here, you're practically a hispanish person anyway. White people don't handle money. They won't even pick up their small change in the machine at Tom Thumb.