Sunday, October 25, 2009

Faust Symphony by Liszt

A Month Of Halloweenie Reviews #24

I'm not a huge fan of Liszt, but his symphony after Goethe's Faust (really, three long musical character sketches) is a decent mid-Romantic composition. It's not especially scary or dark, even the Mephistopheles movement, but it's bombastic without being cloying, and its chord clusters shift seamlessly without losing the leitmotifs. I don't really know what I'm talking about with classical music, so I made up most of that last bit, but on the other hand there's no Devil in real life who can grant me the knowledge I need to be a genius in every (any) arena.


(Alternate Faust[us] ending here)


I.J. said...

Sweet nipples.

shoppista said...

Man, I pulled up the comments to note how awesome it was that Satan was complete with nipples, but of course IJ beat me to it.

Glenn, the only downside of your Microsoft Paint illustrations is that you are slowly becoming proficient at drawing things in Microsoft Paint. How do you feel about that?