Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Month of Boring Things - Day Twenty-one: The Phone in My Office

O phone! O blinking red light signifying fifty-eight unchecked voicemails! If only I knew how to use you! But no. And so you blink on, telecommunication device against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past.



DCP said...

Nobody ever calls my phone when I'm in my office, but whenever I get back, there's always like six missed calls. Do my students think I just hang out there all night long or something?

laurie said...

Maybe you can find an IT person to show you how to use your voicemail?

I.J. said...

Most of my profs just say on the syllabus that they don't check office voice mail.

LoCo said...

That picture of a phone is both depressing and vaguely sexy. My roommate used to dislike watching The Office because they used the same phones she used in her office. The office phone is deep. I want to start a website where everyone posts pictures of their office phones and then have charge a fee to have people visit the site. People would pay. They would.