Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Odd Couple by Gnarls Barkley

I don't know why so many people are down on this album, because I have to say it's pretty good. It's danceable, the music is complexly layered and varied in style, and the lyrics are intricately woven. I think it's a better album than Gnarls Barkley's first album. Anyway, I'll just link a couple songs and then you guys will probably definitely buy this one.

PS - only the first one is a legitimate video, so the second one will probably be down at any second.



Anonymous said...

Really? People were down on this album? That's too bad. I guess it's not suprising, though. Some people are much harder on sophomore releases--especially if the first one was so successful. There's then, of course, the expectation that the second album will somewhat be a sonic carbon copy of the first. Apparently, The Odd Couple has become a victim of this expectation. Sigh. It's pretty silly, really.


John said...

I thought their first album showed a lot of talent, but a lack of cohesiveness. I haven't heard this one yet.