Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thine Own Self

In Next Gen episodes there is usually an 'A' plot and a 'B' plot - I learned a lot about writing from that show, and remember noticing the multi tiered plots when I was a kid. In this show, the 'A' plot about Data losing his memory and accidentally giving cancer to a village full of primitives (how come they never land on a planet that is at 20th century Earth level development? It's always the 1600s for some reason, and every village also looks exactly the same), but don't worry, he cures their cancer too in like a week. The 'A' plot is actually good, but the 'B' plot, about Counselor Troi taking the command officer test, is stupid. In the end, she gets promoted and now outranks Data for some fucking reason. Thanks, TNG Season 7.


1 comment:

laurie said...

Of course it makes perfect sense that Counselor Troi would outrank Data since if there is a catastrophe on the ship you will need emotional security more than you would need the ship to run properly. Riiiight.

Also, you should review that episode where everyone gets drunk off some alien virus and Data and Lieutenant Yar get it on and then later he saves the ship by shuffling all those card thingies. Was that the same episode? I can't imagine that Data was drunk in more than one episode but I suppose it's possible.