Monday, April 14, 2008


My friend Nick really likes the seventh season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I'm just going to have to go on record here saying that it's even worse than the first season. This episode deals with Worf's son Alexander, and how he doesn't want to become a Klingon warrior (he was raised by his progressive Klingon mother for three years). Anyway, I have to give spoilers here, but Alexander from the future comes and tries to convince him to do it, but it never explains how he got there, or where he went at the end. Also, In this season they spent a lot more episodes just on the ship, so they didn't have to make planet sets. Here, there is one set, but it is really simple and then they reuse it all episode long so lame.



laurie said...

Why did I think Worf's son was raised by white adoptive grandparents or something?

DCP said...

Well, he was for a season or two, but then he was brought to the Enterprise because he hated Earth or something.

laurie said...

Oh yeah that's right. I forgot that Worf was raised by an old white couple (could you do a review to explain to me how the hell that happened?). Hence the whole being in Starfleet thing...

DCP said...

Worf was a child at the Klingon outpost Khitomer when it was massacred by Romulans. His parents were killed, and he was rescued by his parents who were on a Federation ship.