Sherlock Holmes is kinda like
The Rocketeer, insofar as they are both movies with impressive production value and lackluster stories. That's not to say that
Sherlock Holmes isn't worth watching, so much as it's not worth getting excited about. Guy Ritchie's slow-it-down-then-speed-it-up camera tricks keep a few of the action sequences from being totally incomprehensible but, in the end, they add very little to the overall movie. Some critics have played up an apparent gay subtext between Robert Downey Jr.'s Holmes and Jude Law's Watson, but it is much ado about nothing.
HARDLY A SPOILER ALERT: the movie goes to great lengths to set itself up for a sequel.
Rating: 60%
(Image from
I liked seeing each fight scene twice. I do love a good fight scene or several. And RDJ is looking goood with no shirt. I'd give it at least 12 more points just for those two things. Also, it was better than that billion dollar piece of shit, Avatar.
Laurie's Rating: 72%
Film critics found a gay subtext? Bah. Sometimes a homosocial relationship founded on an imbalance of power is just a homosocial relationship founded on an imbalance of power, y'know. Next they'll be claiming Foucault was gay.
gay richie
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