Monday, August 10, 2009

Being Out Of Town

When you're out of town, you're away from all your stuff and responsibilities, but, news flash, you could be in another town or city, so you're not really out of all towns everywhere. Sometimes being out of town is fun because you can see people you know or new scenery like trees etc, but I guess being out of town can also be bad like if you're kidnapped or if Elliot Ness wants you to stand trial for robbing a bank in a different state. Most people spend most of their time in town wishing they were out of town, and most of their time out of town wishing they were in town, but you just can't please humans so don't bother trying.



Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

ive never left Town Town is the place where i was borned

Amy Winehouse said...

I am pleased by cocaine.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

amy winehouse is a whore who is famous for her drug abuse and promiscuity -- wikipedia