Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Matrix Trilogy

Breathe easy, gothtards. The Wachowski brothers say Baudrillard says Keanu Reeves will die for your sins.

RATING: The Matrix 68%
Matrix Reloaded 70%
Matrix Revolutions 60%

(Image from


laurie said...

Which one had the cave rave? I can't remember.

laurie said...

Also, writing that comment gave me de ja vu.

Internet Robyn said...

"Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades...oh no!"

I LOVE IT! I'd totally do CH, although I haven't seen him lately. Check out those lips.

How often do people prefer the 2nd or 3rd movie over the first?

Internet John said...

I've seen the first one like 300 times, and it was melodramatic the first time I saw it. Joe Pantoliano couldn't have been less subtle if he was dressed like Snidely Whiplash.

@ Laurie
Reloaded had the cave rave. I remembered it as being a cool scene, but Morpheus' speech beforehand was rather turgid.

Belabras said...

I call shennanigans on rating any of the sequels higher than the first movie.

Internet John said...

At R3 we're all about the shenanigans.