Friday, August 14, 2009

American Gangster

American Gangster by Ridley Scott is a toneless, directionless 3 hour mess. It follows a gangster from America named Frank Lucas who becomes rich by controlling heroin in NYC, and also this one cop named Russel Crowe who is trying to stop him. I mean, all of the actors are fine, but I never cared about anybody, and the movie didn't even know if it wanted to be a shitty Serpico, a shitty Godfather, a shitty Clockers, or a shitty Heat. Also at the end SPOILERS it becomes like a shitty Odd Couple when Frank Lucas and Detective Russel Crowe become best friends and share insightful looks about how much rap music sucks or something 15 years later.



Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

this movie sounds bad but its 31% better then the first 15 min. of mamma mie c/d?

I.J. said...

Training Day.

DCP said...

Training Day is a million times better than this claptrap.

DCP said...

Now that you put it that way I guess I can see your point.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i read r3 4 the reasoned discourse

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

(i like the name-calling 2)

Timmaaay!!! said...

I liked Ethan Hawke's performance in Training Day much more than Denzel Washington's, yet who got nominated for and won all of the awards?

I didn't mind American Gangster. I still haven't watched the "director's cut". (Why can't Ridley Scott EVER seem to get a movie made his way the first time around? How many fucking versions of Blade Runner ARE there now?) I started with the theatrical version and I was fine with it. It was interesting and entertaining enough for me, but certainly shouldn't be on anbody's 10 best list. I wouldn't go so far as to call it shitty, but it's certainly not nearly as good as Serpico, Godfather, Clockers, and Heat (good comparisons, Glenn). Bottom line: I liked it better than Ridley Scott's Gladiator, Matchstick Men, G.I. Jane, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, and WAY better than Hannibal.

laurie said...

Hot mess.

LoCo said...

G.I. Jane lolz

Chris said...

Review The Hurt Locker next!