Sunday, August 23, 2009

The MS Paint Drawing I Did For MyReview Of "Space Games"

I've done a lot of drawings for R3 in the past year, but probably the "Space Games" review drawing was the best. If you'll look closely, you'll realize that the image is an astronomically correct depiction of the Arcturus mini-cluster. Usually this sort of painstaking attention to detail is overlooked in my drawings, so I felt that I'd draw everybody's attention to it, just this once. Sure, my genius is frequently ignored and my work callously skimmed over on this site, but adding this little amount of effort to everything I do at R3 is just the kind of guy I am.



Internet John said...

Stop whining. If you'd display the same kind of diligence with regards to posting frequency as Chris Loll, or the same good taste and respect for reader's feelings that I do, maybe people would pay more attention to your stuff.

laurie said...

I totally caught that and was just about to comment on it, I swear. Glenn rox!

Viking Andrew said...

It isn't that I ignore your posts. It's just that I've never read a comic book. Ever.

A nerd who loved Wolverine once made fun of me in elementary school for not knowing about X-Men. Thanks to that kid, I took my broken heart and turned my attention to sports, beer, chicks, being popular, beloved by many and generally awesome. I'll never forgive him.

LoCo said...

I think you should render in paint that picture of your cat eating the Enterprise.