Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Woah, crap, what happens if you eat too much or drink too much or get the flu too much? That's right, it's Puke City, otherwise known as Barfsville, population: gross. What happens is your stomach is like "What the fuck is this nonsense" and decides to make an eviction, but like back the way said nonsense came. Puking (barfing) can suck if you do it on somebody's face, boob, cat, etc, but on the other hand it still sucks no matter what. Sometimes girls can have self esteem issues and I heard they have barf parties where they all sit in a circle and take turns barfing into plastic bowls and compare the color and whoever's barf has the coolest color combination (id: magenta and aquamarine) gets to be prom queen or something, so I guess add that one to the many mysteries of women that I will never understand.



laurie said...

I took a few trips to Barfsville yesterday afternoon after a few (several) too many the night before so I can confirm that this does indeed suck. I can only assume the 41% it did get was from the relief you feel after said eviction? Also, for the slimming effects. (Sorry, feminism.)

Unknown said...

I haven't thrown up since 1989. Instead of celebrating my birthday this year, I'll be taking myself out to dinner for my 20th anniversary. I'm thinking a wonderful meal of raw seafood and questionable-smelling meat followed by a movie, maybe Hostel 4.

Timmaaay!!! said...

I made the same assumption about the 41% as Laurie did. Barfing is usually quite a relief. I hate when I've taken medicine and then I puke. Not only does it taste like barf, but it also tastes like medicine. Yuck.

I also hate it when I throw up from simply eating too much of something I like. Then my barf tastes a little like the food I like, and I won't like it again for awhile.

I'm glad I've never been to one of those "barf parties" that Glenn described.

Brian, wasn't there a Seinfeld episode like that, where he hadn't thrown up for ten years, until he ate a black and white cookie? Good times.

Glenn, if you're writing this in response to throwing up, I hope you feel better. You too, Laurie. Drink responsibly.

laurie said...

Thanks, Tim. I'd definitely say "drink responsibly" is good advice at this point.

Chris said...

Or just drink enough, like me, that the whiskey don't burn so much anymore.

As we say in Texas, "There's more than one way to skin a cat."

Viking Andrew said...
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Viking Andrew said...


What is that purplish speck in the green vomit spew coming out of that pan-ethnic, pan-gendered person's mouth?

I like to think it's a hormone supplement.

DCP said...

@Brian - I don't know how you could puke watching Hostel 4 if your face was in your hands the whole time, unless you dipped your hands in ipecac first or something.

John said...

Absinthe and gummy bears. Or freshly cut grass and dinky cars.

laurie said...

Well, well, look who's back. Finally got your turn on the one old Dell there in Canada?

John from Daejeon said...


Why can't you have a much more interesting post about a girl party where they are pleasuring themselves?

Rating: 100%

However, a circle jerk of guys.

Rating: 0% and now, I'm puking.

Viking Andrew said...


I.J. is gone again. You only get 12 minutes on the old Dell.

Chris said...

Property of the State.

Vote Libertarian.

laurie said...

Dammit Chris, stop saying that!

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

i voted libertarian and nothing happend

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

im p. much a single issue voter (farm subsidies)

Chris said...

NBNL, I assume for your weed farm?

@ Laurie
Why do you hate that so much?

shoppista said...

I'm very confused re: how to vote, because I want both my own gun AND universal healthcare.

Chris said...

Easy. I reconcile that difference by arguing that the government has the responsibility to provide citizens with equal opportunity.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of land. Nothing more.

Vote Libertarian.

Chris said...

Aw shit. Sorry, Laurie (sort of).

The last thing I need is a liberal pushing her socialist agenda on me.

Viking Andrew said...

I like guns.

Viking Andrew said...

I think guns are good. I think knives are good. I like pizza.

laurie said...

You're really showing off you're big Texas brain there, 'king Andrew.

shoppista said...

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of guns, knives, and pizza.

Viking Andrew said...

I was just entertaining myself. I think Chinese Water Torture is good.

shoppista said...

It's kind of a catchy slogan though.

John said...

Vote libertarian. Heh heh heh.