Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Month of Boring Things - Day Thirty: Tenure Track

Being put on tenure track is pretty sweet. Sure, your pay isn't anything to brag about and you have to spend the next six years of your life saying yes to pretty much anything the chair or dean asks of you--cause you ain't there yet, brother. But hell. It's still pretty sweet.

Rating: 95%


laurie said...

Well congratulations, Mr. Awesome. You are officially awesome.

LoCo said...

This deserves serious celebration, sir. We are e-lated for you.

LoCo said...

And, um, is that cartoon based at UH? Because you know it could be. I mean, I guess you know better than me...

Internet John said...

Congrats. Now you just have to survive the tenure meeting at the end--time to kiss some ass and get a book published.