Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jason X

In the future, 2008, Jason is captured by the government and held in a research facility. Unable to kill or transport him, Jason is placed into suspended animation. In the even futurer, 2455, Jason's body is found by some students among the debris littering Earth's abandoned surface (Wall-E was right). Jason wakes up on a spaceship and starts killing everyone. Some other stuff happens, but it's all so fucking terrible I don't even want to write about it. Ye gods, this movie sucks!

Rating: Face frozen in liquid nitrogen and smashed on counter%

(Image from


DCP said...

Well, this movie does have the biggest kill count of any Jason movie if you count the millions of people who died when they crashed through that space station.

Quammy said...

Sadly proving that large body counts do not automatically guarantee greatness in a horror movie.

I.J. said...

Wall E: Ipod falls in love with toaster, etc.