The Evil Dead is a horror movie that everybody knows about some friends who go to a cabin and then accidentally turn into demons, known in this movie as "deadites." It is not to be confused with another movie with this exact plot, called
Evil Dead 2. That's standard fare for horror movies, sure, but in this case a bunch of the exact same things happen and one of the characters is the same and no reference is made to the first movie. Um. If you haven't seen this movie, that's totally crazy and I'm not even going to address it.
I remember when you weren't allowed to watch this movie. You were, like, seventeen.
That was Evil Dead 2, and it was fourteen. I had a sheltered movie life. Remember when I got in trouble for watching Ferris Bueller at your place without permission?
Those were the days.
What is up with Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 having the same plot?
It's not like plot is all that important when it comes to horror movies anyway. At least Raimi had enough sense to change the tone from straight-up horror to slapstick horror for the sequel. Plus, think about where Raimi was in his career at that point. He only did one movie in between the two Evil Dead films and there's no way it could have been as successful as they were. I can't blame him for going back to the well, especially when the end result turns out to be Evil Dead II.
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