Monday, August 9, 2010

Redneck Zombies

Shot on video and distributed by Troma. That's basically all you need to know about this movie, but the plot is some rednecks accidentally put nuclear waste into their moonshine. Then they become zombies. I have seen this movie about ten times.



Quammy said...

Is Redneck Zombies better than Surf Nazis Must Die?

DCP said...

I hate to admit that I've never seen Surf Nazis Must Die.

Quammy said...

You're not missing much. People would always see this movie in my collection and go, "I gotta see this." And I would always reply, "No, you really don't." Overall, it's a pretty boring flick.

John from Daejeon said...

Here's the most "Southern" of all Zombie movies. It's also the most ingenious commercial you'll ever see.

Oh, yeah, you do need to choose your adventure at the end of each video to get to the very satisfying ending.

Eva said...

Have you seen the Swedish (I think?) movie about Nazi zombies? I was disappointed by that one. It had a such a great concept, too.