Monday, February 20, 2023

The Sun Makers

The TARDIS touches down on Pluto. Expecting only a barren planet, the Doctor is surprised to find that Pluto has been thoroughly terraformed and industrialized. The Doctor and his friends soon discover that most of the people on Pluto are living under the oppressive thumb of "the company." With only a small group of rebels living in the tunnels under the cities. Our heroes join up with the underground and launch a rebellion against "the company," so that everyone might have the chance to breathe freely under Pluto's six artificial suns. The Sun Makers is a good serial marred by low production value. Some of the sets look very unique and elaborate while others look incredibly bland and unfinished. And they're all poorly lit. I liked the script and the characters and some of the production design but this has to be one of the cheapest looking Doctor Who serials I've ever seen.

Rating: I always whisper when I'm opening safes%

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