Friday, May 29, 2020

The Time Warrior

Doctor Who wasn't supposed to be a show about monsters. The whole idea of the Doctor having a time machine was that it would allow the program to set adventures during historical periods, lending the show an educational element. Thankfully, audiences didn't care too much for the history lessons. They wanted to see monsters. And so, by the fourth season, the historical stories were largely dropped. The Time Warrior isn't a straight historical story though, it follows in the pseudo-historical footsteps of The Time Meddler. The Doctor and his new companion, plucky reporter Sarah Jane Smith, go back to the middle ages to find out who's been abducting scientists from UNIT's top research facilities. Once there, they discover Linx, a Sontaran warrior who's crash landed on Earth. It makes for an entertaining serial and a great debut for both Sarah Jane Smith and the Sontarans.

Rating: I'm very fond of delta particles%

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