Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Carnival of Monsters

A pair of colorful traveling entertainers arrive on the planet Inter Minor. They're reluctantly greeted by a tribunal of gray skinned bureaucrats. And then, the TARDIS materializes inside the cargo hold of a boat. You may be asking  yourself, is it some kind of alien boat? Nope. It's a boat that appears to be on Earth, somewhere in the Indian Ocean in the 1920s. Confused? Did I mention that everyone on the boat seems to be stuck in a time loop? Because that's also happening. And there are dinosaurs and giant snake monsters and, if you look close enough, there's even a Cyberman roaming around. That's the beauty of Carnival of Monsters. Robert Holmes' script is jam packed with characters, locations and monsters. Thankfully, the serial is well paced and all of the disparate elements are smoothly integrated into the story.

Rating: No, that's impossible%

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